UDINE – And there was light

34,00  (price per experience, not per person)

A treasure hunt 2.0 to have fun (re)discovering art cities and Italian villages together with your partner, family or friends. Playing is very easy: all you need is a smartphone to immerse yourself in a BPE mission. What are you waiting for? Buy now and play whenever you want!

Udine is in the dark. A heavy thunderstorm has caused a problem with the power line and darkness has descended on the city centre. Only one person can bring back the light: it is Arturo Malignani, inventor of the light bulb, who, helped by the #BPErs, will have to look for the fault and repair it. Will he succeed?

Mission in partnership with PromoTurismoFVG




#BPErs are informed that the route of the mission will also pass through via Manin, which is currently undergoing restoration work. In case of difficulties and/or visual impediments, the solution to the riddle is available.

This mission can be played every day from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The mission in 1 Maggio Square.

It is not necessary to use the web. Get

inspired by the spaces around you, read the signs, ask passers-by for information: just use your wits! Besides, for each quest you will have three hints at your disposal (and also the solution): make good use of them!

In order to be able to play the mission without problems, we recommend that you play when it is still light, since some clues/enigmas may not be visible as night falls.


Where: Udine

Player limit? None

Itinerary length: Approx. 2 km

Length of experience: Approx. 2 hours

Time limit: None

Starting location: 1 Maggio Square

Game time: Every day from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Reservation: not necessary

Available languages:  

Accessibility: Yes (The experience is also suitable for wheelchair users)



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